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Australia should..... Australia should not....
Debate Score:51
Total Votes:85
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 Australia should..... (12)
 Australia should not.... (14)

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Mr Scholten(11) pic

Should Australia become a Republic?

Based on the formula of the 1999 referendum, should Australia have become a republic?

Australia should.....

Side Score: 22

Australia should not....

Side Score: 29
1 point

Australia has evolved and matured as an independent nation and so should be independent

Side: Australia should.....
1 point

The way Australians choose and change our President will be more democratic and open than the

way the Governor-General is appointed.

Side: Australia should.....
1 point

Even Prince Charles agrees! He said: "It seems to me that it would be a lot easier for everybody if you all had your own completely independent head of state",7738

Side: Australia should.....
1 point

We come from many backgrounds and nationalities - our Head of State should represent all Australians.

Side: Australia should.....
1 point

If it became like the American system, Clive could become the Aussie Donald Trump #$$$ #moneywinselections

Supporting Evidence: Clive approves this message (
Side: Australia should.....
1 point

Scroll down to the graph cos it clearly shows that we should become a republic

Side: Australia should.....
0 points

" our head of state should be chosen on merit not based on their privilege of birth"

Side: Australia should.....
0 points

Our Head of State should be chosen by merit not by the privilege of birth

Side: Australia should.....
0 points

The British Monarchy is no longer relevant to an Australians daily life :)

Side: Australia should.....
0 points

Having an Australian Head of State can represent out broad spectrum of nationalities more sufficiently than one from the British monarchy

Side: Australia should.....
0 points

As the President cannot be a member of the political party, or a MP, there is more emphasis placed on being chosen by merit and not money - unlike the American Model. This is a point of unification for Australian politics, as the President would require support from both sides of politics.

Side: Australia should.....
5 points

I like the Queen. I like Wate/Killiam. George has potential.

Side: Australia should not....
2 points

"If it ain't broke don't fix it"

constitution has been the heart of our nation since federation

Side: Australia should not....
2 points

The nomination of the President is very confusing. The package suggests that everyone will have a chance to nominate a fellow Australian for the office of President, and these nominations will be considered by a special Nominations Committee made up of representatives "from Australian parliament and all parts of our community". This committee will select a shortlist, from which the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition will select one nominee. This seems an unnecessarily political and extensive way to choose a President. A perfectly stable and effective model is to have the people choose the President, as is the case in the US and numerous other countries. This approach to nomination seems like an attempt to cover all bases, making the process as long-winded and difficult as possible and not allowing the people any significant input.

Side: Australia should not....
1 point

A prime minister can keep the President in office indefinitely if the parliament cannot agree with a replacement

Side: Australia should not....
1 point

It would take way too much money and time to completely remove our ties to the Commonwealth. Think changing our money system, flag, our Commonwealth coat of arms...

Side: Australia should not....
1 point

Under the proposed model, we will have no say in who their President will be.

Side: Australia should not....
1 point

Australia is already an independent nation.

The proposed model adds nothing to Australia’s independence.

Everyone knows Australia is a proud, strong, independent nation.

Side: Australia should not....
1 point

The referendum is not just about whether Australia should become a republic, but also the proposed setup of this republic. On this, both the referendum question and accompanying passage are very vague. The proposed model involves a President appointed by the politicians, not the people - who will this person owe allegiance to? Who can they be dismissed by? Will they use their powers more readily than the current Governor-General, who (as dictated by convention) does not use them?

Side: Australia should not....
1 point

it removes the checks and balances of the current system as PM appoints the president

Side: Australia should not....
1 point

"There will be no benefits under this republic - only problems."

No benefits to Australians, doesn't create jobs, won't improve trade, won't improve the economy

Side: Australia should not....
1 point


Side: Australia should not....
1 point

it is not worth voting for if it is not an improvement on our current system

Side: Australia should not....
1 point

Teaching the history of the British Empire links in with that of the world: for better and for worse, the EMPIRE MADE US WHAT WE ARE, FORMING OUR NATIONAL IDENTITY. A country that does not understand its own history is unlikely to respect that of others.

Antony Beever - respected historian

Side: Australia should not....